8月19日星期一,在纪念公园举行了新的硫磺岛纪念馆的奠基仪式. 前排左起为约瑟夫·本茨, Patriot Excavating; Terry Thornsbury, 翠绿建筑设计, 公司.; Beth and Christopher Shortridge, fundraising organizers; Dan and Barb Drummond, 亨廷顿 Sheet Metal; Satin Lemon, volunteer; Seth Marshall, volunteer; Robb Fults, ACB 一般 Contractors; Diann Parker, 志愿者和蒂姆·埃克特, 退伍军人服务官员. 后排,Rick Stump, Viridian建筑设计公司.; Mayor Richard Strick, Adam Cuttriss, City of 亨廷顿, Steven Yoder, 亨廷顿 Parks & Recreation Department; Brett Hoopingarner, and Mark Parker, both volunteers.